Section III
2023-24 Season - 138lbs - Mount Anthony Union, VT
Date Wgt Result Opposing Team Opponent Decision Score Place Event
12/09/23 138 Lost Shenendehowa Arcangelo Losee pin 4:17 Wrangle on the Plains
12/09/23 138 Won Burnt Hills Ben Taylor pin 5:31 Wrangle on the Plains
12/09/23 138 Lost Shenendehowa Greg Green dec 6-1 Wrangle on the Plains
12/09/23 138 Won Hoosick Falls Tyler Taber dec 8-2 Wrangle on the Plains
2023-24 Season Stats
Wins Losses Pins Techs Decs Ffts Dflts DQs PF PA
2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 9 9

Career Stats
Wins Losses Pins Techs Decs Ffts Dflts DQs PF PA
2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 9 9